Several factors need to be considered when creating a memorable and stress-free experience.  Let's face it - these days travelling, we have to be prepared for the unexpected.  

There's always "something" that goes awry, but having the logistics sorted out, can minimize those sideway events. Let's dive into five! 


If being in your destination of choice, during the ideal season is critical, we need to check the high, low, shoulder and off seasons of the place, when it comes to weather. 

Summer can mean many things in different countries and how you experience it - so can winter. But intense heat and rainy season are ones you want to avoid. 

Travelling during off peak season can save you money and avoid crowds - so depending on what your purpose or activities will be, you'd want to consider it. 

What about your holiday time?  Do you have specific dates, times, season, that you have to work within?  Be specific to help narrow it down. 


What's your interest and preferences?  The purpose of the trip?  What are your goals for it? 

If you're travelling as a couple or a family - you need to have a round table to discuss what everyone's expectations are. 

Are you on a culture hunt, a food and wine quest?  Is it adventure and activities - and what kind?  City life or country life? Rest and relaxation?   

The big Q:  What's your budget? This must be taken into consideration and a question I'll always ask. 

Everyone has a budget - but are you choosing the destination and duration of your trip, that fits within that budget?  


This's always a challenge for people.  Especially when you're going far and want to see a much as possible on the trip.  Overbooking and constantly moving, can tire you out and make you cranky. 

Don't rush through each city - you'll be sorry and don't want your holiday to be a blur. 

Spend a minimum of 2 nights in each place - ideally 3 in each.  Don't forget - you can't check into most places until after 2pm - then you have to check out at 11am the next day.  You barely get a chance to unwind and see the city before you're on the go again. 

Wake up and ease into the morning - enjoy a cup of joe on the balcony. 

Not only do you want to see the "must-dos" on your list - you also want time to wander, have a coffee or gelato, people watch, soak up the ambience, shop and enjoy a local treat. 

Don't forget about the time between each city that gets eaten up going from one place to the next. It's necessary to take this into consideration.  


Although not all sightseeing requires a tour guide, having a guide can enhance your experience significantly.  Sometimes you don't know what your'e looking at and why - a walking tour with a local knowledgeable guide can bring the city to life! 

They enlighten you with history and stories about your destination.  Tours are available in many different forms - from small group (under 20), large group (could be up to 40) and then private. 

Each experience is different and priced accordingly.  

If doing a private tour, the guides can customize them to your particular interests and time. 


Somewhat of an art form, air booking can make or break your trip, depending on where you're going  There's no exact science, but years of experience and working with a good Travel Advisor (that'd be me) who has a relationship with a flight expert, can make all the difference.  

Depending on the type of vacation you're booking (customized + private, escorted or guided tours, etc), they're usually an instant purchase.  Once they've been found, you'll need to purchase to secure them. 

Many tour operators offering organized tours, itineraries, cruises, and guided tours, have air departments, making it convenient for everything to be a one stop shop.  Each situation is different - this is where you're Travel Advisor (that's be me again) can assist.  

Reaching out to your Travel Advisor (me) well in advance, can help you get the best options. 

Depending on your destination, you'll want to be looking and starting the conversation, anywhere from 3-4 months up to 11 months prior. 

The early bird really does get the worm! 

I know I said 5 tips - but I have one more to add - an important one


Simply said, don't leave home without it.  It needs to be a part of your travel budget and factored into the cost of the trip.  

It's a conversation to have right from the get go, so know what you do and don't have for coverage.  I always tell people to budget at least 10% of the trip cost, to insurance.  

With how the world of travel has changed over the last 5 years, you want to be covered not only for Emergency Medical, but also for Trip Cancellation, Interruption, Misconnection, Delay, Baggage Loss/Delay/Damage and more.  

We're not trying to sell you something you don't need - we've seen it all - insurance is really your secret weapon that we hope you never have to use. 

There's so much more that goes into planning a vacation - hopefully these tips'll help you be prepared to have that intial planning conversation with your Travel Advisor (me again). 

What's your next unique and special adventure? Thinking about your next escape to the BEyond? CONTACT ME cause Planning a Vacation Makes You Happy (and me too!). 

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